ASP 2022 – Side event CRSV in Ukraine

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Welcome to “A sustainable model for responding to conflict-related sexual violence in Ukraine”

To follow the interpretation or join online, please access this link.

The agenda for today’s event is as follows:


  • 13:15-13:20. Introduction and welcoming remarks by H.E. Henk-Cor van der Kwast, Ambassador of the Kingdom of The Netherlands
  • 13:20-13:25. Presentation of the Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s ‘Victim and Witness-Orientated strategy for the prosecution of CRSV crimes’by Iryna Didenko, Head of the Specialised CRSV Unit, War Crimes Department of the Ukrainian Office of the Prosecutor General
  • 13:25-13:30. Video message by Iryna Dovgan, Survivor activist and Coordinator of SEMA Ukraine (Network of Victims and Survivors of Wartime Sexual Violence)
  • 13:30-14:20. Panel discussion moderated by Alix Vuillemin, Advocacy Director, Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice
    • Hrystyna Kit, Chairwoman of the Association of Women’s Lawyers of Ukraine “JurFem” 
    • Kateryna Cherepakha, President of the CSO “La Strada-Ukraine”
    • Anna Mykytenko, Country Manager – Ukraine, Global Rights Compliance
    • Carolyn Edgerton, Legal consultant and mentor, former ICTY Trial Attorney
    • Kim Thuy Seelinger, Special Adviser to the ICC Prosecutor on Sexual Violence in Conflict
  • 14:20-14:35. Questions from the audience
  • 14:35-14:45. Concluding remarks by Andrew Murdoch, Legal Director of the UK Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office

You can find more information about the event in this concept note. A Ukrainian version is also available. 

The event is co-organised by The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Australia, Poland, Canada, Global Rights Compliance, the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), and Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice.


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