Support our work in the DRC through the Girl Fund Campaign

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Our project on supporting sexual violence survivors in DR Congo is part of the 2019 Girl Fund Campaign running from 28 February to 14 March. The GlobalGiving Girl Fund supports organisations committed to providing opportunities for girls.

Since the mid-1990s thousands of people, particularly women and girls, have been victims of rape and other forms of conflict-related sexual violence in the DR Congo. Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice operates local safe houses where survivors can receive immediate medical treatment, psychosocial support and legal assistance to help with recovery and begin the healing process.

In the last three years, the safe house project has helped over 3,500 sexual violence survivors and has reached over 17,000 community members through community awareness-raising activities to help prevent sexual violence. Help us meet our $10,000 goal by donating on our GlobalGiving project page.


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