Brigid Inder, Women’s Initiatives Executive Director, delivers opening speech at Dialogue

In Latest Posts by Robin

On 20th April, the International Gender Justice Dialogue opened in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.  Fifty participants from 16 countries were able to join us despite major global travel interruptions due to the volcano in Iceland.  The attendees include leaders from the fields of international criminal law, Nobel Peace Laureates, representatives of the International Criminal Court (ICC), peace activists, women’s rights advocates, United Nations personnel, crisis-response organizations, academics, communications specialists and donors.  There are advocates from current armed conflicts including Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and Israel, as well as activists from countries with a history of coups and military dictatorships including Guatemala, Honduras, and Burma.

Read the speech of Brigid Inder, Executive Director of Women’s Initiatives, at the opening of the Dialogue.

Check out the Gender Justice Dialogue blog for streaming of the sessions, as well as postings and video profiles of participants.

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