Women's Initiatives
for Gender Justice

Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice advocates globally for gender justice and accountability for sexual and gender based crimes through the International Criminal Court and other mechanisms.

Incidents of conflict-based sexual violence documented


Participants in post-conflict recovery & reintegration activities


Women received medical treatment for conflict-related rape


Participants in legal, SGBV advocacy & outreach events in the last four years



Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice is an international women’s human rights organisation that advocates for gender justice through the International Criminal Court (ICC) and through domestic mechanisms, including peace negotiations and justice processes.

We Do

We work with women and communities most affected by armed conflict with a focus on countries with situations under investigation by the ICC.

The Hague Principles
on Sexual Violence

Meaningfully addressing sexual violence starts with understanding all forms of sexual violence. Over 60 civil society organisations came together to bring the voices of survivors to the forefront of discussions about addressing sexual violence. Input from more than 500 survivors but also civil society, legal practitioners, academics, and policy makers to create The Hague Principles on Sexual Violence, consisting of

  1. The Civil Society Declaration on Sexual Violence;
  2. International Criminal Law Guidelines on Sexual Violence;
  3. Key Principles for Policy Makers on Sexual Violence.
