I Am Not Who They Think I Am

In Latest Posts by Meg Williams

I Am Not Who They Think I Am tells the story of two women out of the tens of thousands abducted by Joseph Kony and his Lord’s Resistance Army in the early 2000s. After eight years being used as sex slaves for soldiers, the women and their children, who were born in captivity, escaped. Now, they are struggling to reintegrate back into their communities. Their children face stigmatization and exclusion on a daily basis. Produced by MediaStorm and the International Centre for Transitional Justice, I Am Not Who They Think I Am depicts the women’s fight for their children’s inclusion in a society that sees them as criminals.

In 2012, WI co-produced No Longer Silent with our local partner, the Greater North Women’s Voices for Peace Network, in collaboration with WITNESS. This documentary features six testimonies of women abducted by the Lord’s Resistance Army in Northern Uganda, and portrays their experiences and their recovery and reintegration needs as they begin to rebuild their lives.

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