Recruitment: Executive Director

In Latest Posts by Meg Williams

The Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice is looking for a highly experienced and motivated senior executive to lead the organisation.

The organisation is a recognised international leader in the gender justice field and is renowned for its work with the International Criminal Court (ICC) with respect to the prosecution of sexual and gender-based crimes and the integration of gender issues within the institutional development of the ICC.

Read the job description here.

As a senior executive, we are looking for someone who possesses and models a commitment to the mandate of the organisation and has a highly developed analysis of gender equality and women’s human rights issues. Ideally, this position requires an individual with: extensive experience in leadership roles, working in the non-profit sector and running an international (national or regional) organisation; extensive experience in strategic global advocacy; a highly developed understanding of (international) criminal and humanitarian law and a sound knowledge of the (international) justice sector; substantive experience and understanding of community development, programming and network building; and a commitment to collaborating with local organisations and communities, including victims/survivors of sexual and gender-based violence and other international crimes.

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