Women’s Initiatives event during the ASP

In Latest Posts by Robin

From 20 – 28 November 2013, the Assembly of States Parties (ASP) to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, will hold its twelfth session at the World Forum Convention Centre in The Hague, The Netherlands. During the ASP, on 25 November, the Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice and the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs will co-host a reception to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Speakers at the reception include: Fatou Bensouda, Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court; Ambassador Håkan Emsgård, Sweden; and Brigid Inder, Executive Director, Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice.

Important issues to be addressed at this ASP and the advocacy priorities for the Women’s Initiatives include:
•    the adoption of an Independent Oversight Mechanism with its full inspection, evaluation and investigation mandate;
•    expansion of the budget for the ICC to support its investigations in eight conflict situations and six potential trials in 2014; and
•    proposed amendments to the ICC’s Rules of Procedure and Evidence in relation to the decision-making process for holding trials outside of the Hague, and the acceptance by the ICC of prior recorded testimony which will reduce the number of witnesses who need to appear in court. The most contentious amendment is likely to be to the new Rule 134bis regarding the applicable requirements for an accused subject to a summons to appear to be excused from being present at trial or to be present through the use of video technology.

Other important issues at the ASP include a plenary session of States Parties on the protection of witnesses, relocation agreements and the complementary role of national systems of protection as well as a plenary session on victims issues including participation and legal representation before the ICC.

You can follow the event live by following us on Twitter @4GenderJustice

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