Gender Report Card on the ICC 2012

Launch of the Gender Report Card 2012

In Latest Posts by Robin

On 15 November 2012, the Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice launched the Gender Report Card on the International Criminal Court 2012, a Special Edition of the Gender Report Card on the International Criminal Court, during the eleventh session of the ICC Assembly of States Parties in The Hague. This Special edition marks ten years since the entry into force of the Rome Statute, in 2002. The Gender Report Card 2012 provides the most comprehensive gender analysis of the ICC currently available.

Attended by more than 110 delegates to the meeting of the Assembly of States Parties (ASP), including the President of the ASP, Ambassador Tiina Intelmann, the Chief Prosecutor of the ICC, Fatou Bensouda, and the Registrar of the Court, Silvana Arbia, the launch highlighted the major developments at the ICC over the past 12 months.

The Gender Report Card 2012 reviews the key judicial decisions, the issuance of arrest warrants and construction of charges from a gender justice perspective. The Gender Report Card 2012 also examines the Court’s internal policies, recruitment and personnel statistics, its institutional development, and the work of the independent bodies such as the Trust Fund for Victims and the Office of the Public Counsel for Victims. It contains detailed recommendations to the Court and the ICC Assembly of States Parties.

Read the Gender Report Card 2012

Read the Launch Speech by Brigid Inder, Executive Director

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