Civil society statement on ICC Prosecutor election

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The shortlist of candidates for the ICC Prosecutor election may be extended. We join a a number of NGOs in raising concerns about the deviation this represents from the Terms of Reference for the election of the Prosecutor as adopted by the ASP.

The process ahead should focus only on merit if additional individuals are considered, and it should ensure an equal assessment of all candidates and transparency of the deliberations. The Committee on the Election of the Prosecutor (CEP) should make public its assessment of any candidates who will be under further consideration, including why the CEP declined to advance these individuals to the initial shortlist. In addition, all candidates must participate in public hearings, ensuring opportunities for them to respond to questions. Further vetting in relation to the requirement of high moral character should also be undertaken for all candidates, including adequate checks to identify whether there is any history of past work misconduct.

Read our full statement here.

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