Gender Report Card on the ICC 2011

Launch of Gender Report Card 2011

In Latest Posts by Robin

On 13 December 2011, the Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice launched the Gender Report Card on the International Criminal Court 2011, during the tenth session of the ICC Assembly of States Parties in New York.

The launch was attended by States Parties, UN officials, the media and NGO members.  Speakers during the event included Women’s Initiatives’ Executive Director Brigid Inder, Prosecutor-elect of the International Criminal Court Fatou Bensouda, and Radhika Coomaraswamy, United Nations Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict.

Read the press release about the launch.

The Gender Report Card 2011 analyses the institutional developments of the ICC throughout 2011, as well the Court’s substantive work and jurisprudence. TheGender Report Card 2011 also examines the Court’s internal policies, recruitment and personnel statistics, its institutional development, and the work of its independent bodies such as the Trust Fund for Victims and the Office of the Public Counsel for Victims. It contains detailed recommendations to the Court and the ICC Assembly of States Parties.

The Gender Report Card 2011 provides the most comprehensive gender analysis of the ICC currently available.

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