Gender justice film on the LRA now available

In Latest Posts by Robin

The gender justice video exposing the attacks of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) on communities in the Central African Republic (CAR) is now available on our website, here!  Produced by the Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice, local CAR partner, JUPEDEC, in collaboration with WITNESS, the film features the testimonies of two young women abducted by the LRA in South-Eastern CAR.

The video was launched yesterday with a screening for the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court.

Read the press release on the launch of Our Plea

Our Plea is a part of a larger video advocacy initiative launched in 2010 between the Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice and WITNESS. The project will produce six gender justice films highlighting sexual and gender-based violence and other gender issues in armed conflicts, fragile states and post-conflict environments where the Women’s Initiatives has extensive domestic peace and justice programmes and well established partnerships with a large number of grassroots women’s rights and peace advocates, networks and organisations. All of the videos were filmed and co-edited by the Women’s Initiatives’ local partners in each of the conflict and post-conflict settings.

Other videos in this series include: No Longer Silent (Northern Uganda) and Our Voices Matter (DRC). The documentaries on Kenya and Kyrgyzstan are currently in production. All of the films will soon be available on our website here.

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