Statement 22nd ASP: Calling on a gender sensitive and intersectional Assembly session

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In our joint General Debate Statement with the Global Justice Center, we call on states at the 22nd Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute session to be mindful of the impact of their decisions over the next two weeks when it comes to moving towards a survivor-centered and intersectional gender justice.

In matters related to the Court’s budget, the selection of new ICC Judges, state cooperation with the Court, participation in panels and side-events, and engagement with civil society colleagues, it is time for states to move from reactivity to proactivity.

The ASP stands to benefit from a wealth of advocacy, amicus briefs and scholarship that illuminates paths for strengthening gender justice in the ICC. Recent works, whose authors are represented at this ASP, as well as the gender justice related side-events scheduled each day at the ASP, are listed in our joint General Debate Statement.


Photo by: UN Photo/Rick Bajornas, 23 February 2017, United Nations, New York Photo # 715035 via flickr

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