Women’s Initiatives’ submission to the Group of Independent Experts

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On 24 February 2020, the Group of Independent Experts – appointed by the ICC Assembly of States Parties to carry out an Independent Expert Review of the ICC – met with members of civil society. The round table consultation gave an opportunity to civil society to share insights on the challenges facing the Rome Statute system.   

In this context, on 7 February 2020, Women’s Initiatives submitted to the Group of Independent Experts a list of recommendations relating to gender consideration in the execution of their mandate. Some of the recommendations include:

  • the development of an ICC strategy on gender mainstreaming;
  • addressing ICC’s leadership and organizational culture;
  • the creation of an ICC Gender Focal Point;
  • addressing gender balance in ICC staff;
  • gender responsive budgeting;
  • training of ICC staff and elected officials;
  • strengthening the Judiciary though the creation of a high-level gender legal adviser position within the Trial Division;
  • further strengthening the OTP’s gender analysis in all investigations and prosecutions.

Women’s Initiatives encouraged the Group of Independent Experts to consider the issue of gender justice as a cross-cutting issue throughout their work. Read the full letter here

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