Gender Report Card on the ICC 2010

Launch – Gender Report Card on the International Criminal Court 2010

In Latest Posts by Robin

On 6 December 2010, the Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice launched the Gender Report Card on the International Criminal Court, 2010, during the 9th Session of the ICC Assembly of States Parties in New York.

The launch, one of the first events to be co-hosted by UNIFEM as part of the new agency for women (UN Women), was attended by States Parties, UN officials, ICC officials and NGO members. Speakers included Margot Wallström, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Sexual Violence in Conflict; Joanne Sandler, Deputy Director of UNIFEM; and Brigid Inder, Executive Director of the Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice.

Read the speech by Brigid Inder.

The Gender Report Card analyses the institutional developments of the ICC throughout 2010, as well the Court’s substantive work and jurisprudence. The review of the ICC’s substantive progress includes an examination of the investigation and prosecution strategy of the Office of the Prosecutor, an overview of trial proceedings and analysis of key judicial decisions with a focus on cases where gender-based crimes have been charged or where these issues have arisen during the legal proceedings, as well as those decisions affecting victims and witnesses appearing before the Court.

The Gender Report Card on the International Criminal Court, 2010 provides the most comprehensive gender analysis of the ICC currently available.

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