Wamare Institute Graduation

In Latest Posts, Wamare by Admin

Last Saturday, the Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice completed the inaugural Wamare Institute for 32 young women, most of whom had been formerly abducted by the LRA militia group and all of whom had suffered harm and loss as a result of the three decade’s long conflict.

We will share more about the Institute in the coming days and weeks as well as the follow-up programme we will be implementing which focuses on income generation activities and psychosocial support for female returnees. The challenges are enormous, but we are motivated by the needs and potential of female returnees, and also inspired by the gracious determination of this forgotten group of victims/survivors.

On 21 April, the 32 Wamare participants graduated from the Institute. See a short article and photo of the graduates here.

Read an article by Brigid Inder, OBE, published in the Ugandan New Vision newspaper about the scale and complexity of the needs of female returnees in the context of northern Uganda here or online version here.

See the programme of the Wamare Institute here.

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