Gender and International Criminal Law Conference
Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice, together with Legal Action Worldwide, Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies, UN Women, the Australian Embassy in The Hague and the International Gender Champions Network, were very pleased to co-host the Gender and International Criminal Law conference on 16-17 January 2024 in The Hague.
The 2-day conference convened 200+ key gender justice actors to share knowledge, inspire practical solutions, and renew energy to inform the future of a more equitable International Criminal Law field.
The impetus for the conference was the publication of the comprehensive book Gender and International Criminal Law in July 2022 by Oxford University Press, edited by Indira Rosenthal, Valerie Oosterveld, and Susana SáCouto, and a new initiative to establish a Gender Justice Practitioner Hub (GJP Hub) to support and connect practitioners involved in securing gender justice for core.
You can find the full program of the conference here.
Please find the materials presented or referred to at the 2 day conference below:
- The Gender Justice Practitioners Hub Factsheet.
- Human Rights & Gender Justice Clinic and Main Street Legal Services of the CUNY School of Law and MADRE, Q&A Factsheet: LGBTQI+ Inclusion and the Definition of the Crime of Gender Apartheid;
- International Development Law Organization and the Global Women’s Institute of the George Washington University, Survivor-Centred Justice for Gender-Based Violence in Complex Situations;
- Alexandra Lily Kather and Dr Jamie Hagen, The Urgency of Supporting Coalitional Queer Feminist Solidarity: Responding to the Anti-Trans and Anti-Gender Movements in International Justice;
- Patricia Viseur Seller, Jocelyn Getgen Ketsenbaum, and Alexandra Lily Kather, Time to Enumerate the Slave Trade as a Distinct Provision in the Crimes Against Humanity Treaty;
- Patricia Viseur Sellers and Jocelyn Getgen Ketsenbaum, The International Crimes of Slavery and the Slave Trade: A Feminist Critique (December 2, 2020). Cardozo Legal Studies Research Paper No. 622, Gender and International Criminal Law, Edited by Indira Rosenthal, Valerie Oosterveld and Susana SáCouto Oxford University Press, 2022;
- Conference Closing Remarks by Patricia Viseur Sellers.
Please find the recordings of the 2 days of the conference at these links:
This conference was made possible with the support of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).