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ICC Special Adviser on Gender

In Statements by Admin

Last week, the Executive Director of the Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice, Brigid Inder, OBE, who has served as the Special Adviser on Gender to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) for the past four years, communicated to …

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First ICC Trial on Mali

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Today, the trial against Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi (Al Mahdi) commenced before Trial Chamber VIII of the International Criminal Court. Al Mahdi, allegedly a member of the Ansar Eddine militant group active in Mali, has been charged with the …

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Recruitment: DRC Project Consultant

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The Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice is expanding its programme in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and is recruiting staff and consultancy posts in this area. With this advertisement we are seeking candidates for a DRC Project Consultant …

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Bemba Sentenced to 18 Years by the ICC

In Statements by Admin

Today, Trial Chamber III of the International Criminal Court (ICC) sentenced Jean‑Pierre Bemba Gombo (Bemba) to 18 years’ imprisonment, in the third Sentencing Judgment issued by the ICC to date. In sentencing Bemba to 18 years, the Trial Chamber considered …

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ICC first conviction for acts of sexual violence

In Statements by Admin

Today, the International Criminal Court (ICC) unanimously convicted Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo (Bemba) as a military commander for two counts of crimes against humanity including murder and rape and three counts of war crimes including murder, rape and pillaging. Bemba was …

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Voix des femmes mars 2016

In Uncategorized by Robin

Le numéro de mars 2016 de la lettre d’information Voix des femmes est maintenant disponible.  Dans Voix des femmes, nous fournissons des mises à jour et des analyses sur les évolutions politiques, la poursuite de la justice et de la …

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March 2016 issue of Women’s Voices now available

In Uncategorized by Robin

The March 2016 issue of Women’s Voices is now available. In Women’s Voices, we provide updates and analysis on political developments, the pursuit of justice and accountability, the participation of women in peace talks and reconciliation efforts from the perspective of …