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First ICC sentencing judgement

In Statements by Robin

Read the press statement by the Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice on the first sentencing judgment issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) yesterday. On 10 July 2012, Trial Chamber I sentenced Thomas Lubanga Dyilo (Lubanga) to 14 years imprisonment. …

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June 2012 issue of Women’s Voices now available

In Uncategorized by Robin

The June 2012 issue of Women’s Voices is now available. In Women’s Voices we provide updates and analysis on political developments, the pursuit of justice and accountability, the participation of women in peace talks and reconciliation efforts from the perspective …

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Gender justice film on the LRA now available

In Uncategorized by Robin

The gender justice video exposing the attacks of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) on communities in the Central African Republic (CAR) is now available on our website, here!  Produced by the Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice, local CAR partner, JUPEDEC, …