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Powerful declaration at UNSC from our DRC partner

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On 19 March 2018, Jeanine Bandu Bahati, Coordinator of the local women’s rights organisation Encadrement des Femmes Indigènes et des Ménages Vulnérables (EFIM) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), addressed the UN Security Council during a briefing on …

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Statement for International Women’s Day 2018

In Statements by Admin

Today, the Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice celebrates International Women’s Day (IWD), together with our grassroots partners, associates and members, the majority of whom are living in countries with armed conflict. On IWD we applaud the courage of the many …

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Farewell to the Executive Director

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On 7 December, the Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice (WI) staff and Board along with 130 guests bid farewell to our Executive Director, Brigid Inder, OBE, who has served the organisation in this leadership role for the past 15 years. …

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Global launch of the Gender Justice Legacy Wall

In Uncategorized by Meg Williams

On 7 December, the Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice hosted the global launch of the Gender Justice Legacy Wall (Legacy Wall) which celebrates and honours some of the women and men who have contributed to advances in the gender justice field …

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Launch of The Compendium

In Uncategorized by Meg Williams

The Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice has launched a new publication called The Compendium. It is a concise compilation of current data and information on the Situations before the International Criminal Court (ICC) as well as a review of each …

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Peace Path Ceremony

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On the 25th of October 2017, the second community reconciliation ceremony involving the laying of tiles on the Peace Path was held in Gulu, Northern Uganda. According to Judith Acana, Uganda programme officer for the Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice, …

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Election of Six New ICC Judges

In Uncategorized by Meg Williams

In December 2017, six new judges will be elected to the International Criminal Court (ICC) during the Assembly of States Parties (ASP) in New York. With five women judges completing their terms and leaving the ICC bench, only one of …